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TUASpire - greetings from France!

Hey, how are you today?

Here we go with another introduction of one of our TUASpire’s members!

My name is Baptiste, I’m almost 23 years old and I’m really happy to study in Turku this year as an exchange student. Baptiste

In my everyday life, I like traveling, music, sports and learn more about all kinds of things – maybe just like you! I also enjoy photography. For me, it is one of the best ways turn wonderful moments of life into long-lasting memories.

Originally, I come from France – Native of Nice in the region of Alpes-Maritimes, close to the border of Italy. However, I grew up in the mid-south of France near the city of Montpellier. This part of the country is a pleasant place to live and study thanks to the sun. The city is situated between the sea and mountains. That allows you to do lots of different activities during your free time.

Next, I will share more about my studies and work experiences. My career path might seem a little atypical: Last year, I decided that I want to do the double degree. The first one in industry and the second in multimedia, that I realized that while working part-time in a company named “Gîtes de France”. These two fulfilling experiences opened my mind about my studies, work and life in general.

Now, I chose to follow a university cursus in business and management to diversify and deepen my knowledge – a choice I am truly satisfied with. Moreover, the fact to learn more English in immersion here in Finland, is in my opinion the best way to improve. Being an exchange student makes it possible to learn and share your culture with other internation students from many different countries. To me, that was just as important as  the studies itself and that guarantees the richness of this experience.
The discovery of Finland is a real benefit because I wasn’t expecting so much nature and wellness, in this way – saunas are maybe the best surprise!

Later on, I would like to continue my studies abroad – either in Finland or maybe all over the globe! In any case, it reinforces my desire to discover this world.

Anyway, my goal is to enjoy  everything as much as possible during this year!

So, that is basically everything you need to know about me! I hope, you’ve learnt a lot about my personality and thoughts.

Have an excellent day and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more information 🙂





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