Sales Process Evolution

As the sales has evolved from feature-based selling into value creating interaction, so has the sales process evolved with the development of understanding and technology. When traditional sales saw a sales process to be like a funnel running from lead generation via sales meetings and negotiations to deals, in today´s value sales process sales does not end to sales contract or even after sales. Feature-need-benefit-value framework is combined with characteristics and the competitive advantages of traditional, service, expert and value sales processes.
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Cite this paper as: Holopainen T., Rantala J., Virtanen M., Korhonen T. (2020) Sales Process Evolution. In: Kantola J., Nazir S., Salminen V. (eds) Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1209. Springer, Cham