Sales go online – does it work?

In the year 2020, the world experienced a global pandemic, which changed the way we conduct our lives, do business, interact and execute sales.
Even as the world around us changed, sales remain to be the main revenue stream for companies. In sales, face-to-face meetings have been the dominant form of interaction, but today it is vital to find out how to conduct successful sales in the times of social distancing.
Online sales in the times of social distancing
A web conference in the morning, a customer telephone call at midday, an online sales meeting in the afternoon: virtual, technology-supported meetings are an indispensable part of today’s working world. Especially nowadays, due to the pandemic, personal sales meetings in the business world are mostly replaced by virtual meetings.
Authors: Timo Holopainen, Principal Lecturer, Sales, Turku University of Applied Sciences & Angelina Getmanchuk, Exchange student, Turku University of Applied Sciences