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Four Steps of Sales: Marketing


In this four-part blog series we will be going deeper into sales. What it is, how it is done and what are the main steps in it. At first, we will be digging deeper into marketing. What is the definition of marketing? How will it affect sales? What are the different styles of marketing?

The definition of marketing

Marketing is something that every company or organization must use in its strategy. Marketing is basically an action of promoting and selling products or services that includes market research and advertising. Many times, marketing techniques are used even without realization. Every little thing that will promote the company or somehow increase the sales of the company’s product or service is also marketing. Nowadays, marketing is one of main aspects of business and sales.

Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. – Philip Kotler

Often people don’t even know what marketing is. Mainly it is defined as selling and advertising, but that isn’t all. There are many other aspects that need to be accounted for. For example, promotion, distribution and customer experience. So, to be honest the definition of marketing is broad, and it holds all the strategies that will help the company to achieve its objectives.

Examples of different types of marketing

First of all, there are so many different types for marketing so we will just scratch the surface and dig deeper into some of them. Nowadays marketing is happening in online instead of traditional channels, such as newspapers etc. Many good marketing opportunities are found online. For example, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools are a really good way to promote the business against competitors. When a customer searches for example “a marketing company in Finland”, if you have mastered the SEO and SEM tools, your company will appear at the top of the search results and attract more customers to its website.

Also, a very good way to do self-promotion is through different social media channels. You don’t always need to pay for your visibility if you don’t want to, because growth can happen also organically. Being active in different channels and publishing content regularly will promote you further. Approaches that we’ve seen to really work are active Facebook page that answers to comments, Instagram page where good informative posts are made or even a TikTok account that makes videos of the firm’s accomplishments. Social media marketing varies so much because there are so many different types of doing it.

But we can’t forget the type of marketing that is good customer service. When someone has good service somewhere, they will tell at least 3 or 4 people about it and so on. Good customer service will attract many potential clients either to your website or even into the business premises to just scout it out or to make a purchase.

Marketing really holds the key to success if it is implemented right.

As you can see, we just scratched the surface of marketing, but stay tuned for next week and the second part of sales: presales.